"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there".

Friday 19 September 2014

Day Five

Some of my favourite childhood memories, are sitting next to my Dad, in the cab of his truck, travelling the state as his 'off-sider'! I was (and still am) a very proud trucker's daughter! Dad would bring me along on as many trips as he could, until the year I turned 6 and that silly old school stuff got in the way! (oops...Maybe a teacher shouldn't write stuff like that!).  I can remember talking non-stop for hours, asking question after question, and poor old Dad would answer every question!  We'd hassle each other about silly things and I can remember looking up to see Dad's big smiling face looking back at me. He'd say, "I love you my little sparring partner!" to which I'd pause for a second to say,    "I love you too"...and then continue on babbling about god knows what! I could also 'drive' a truck by the time I was 5!! And no-one could tell me that I was not the one in control of that truck!...even though I couldn't reach the pedals!! :)

These memories have been so vivid for me today, as I drove Bertha down highway number 1, with my kids taking turns to sit next to me...Bertha is not quite the big truck that my Dad drove, but it was certainly the same feeling, just this time, I'm the parent and it's my big smile looking down at my little man and my little princess :) such a great feeling!! :)

So after a cooked breaky this morning, we hit the road again heading towards Carnarvon...we were lucky enough to see quite a few eagles flying around today...they are such majestic looking birds. We also saw a lot of cows and one kangaroo...still haven't seen any wild emus yet! This game of spotto is getting a little tough to complete!

We stopped along the side of the road (in the middle of nowhere) to make lunch...Clay snapped a gorgeous photo, so have a look at his Instagram if you haven't seen it...it does look a little 'Breaking Bad', but I promise we were only 'cooking' lunch! ;)

We hit the road again and arrived in Carnarvon in the late afternoon...the kids wanted to go for a swim, so we jumped into the coldest swimming pool that I have ever experienced!! It took my breath away! The kids turned an interesting shade of blue, but refused to get out! I think it's the first time they've felt cold in days, and our little polar bear Bolgies were enjoying that feeling again! :)

After the swim, we went and got some take away and headed down to the 'town beach playground' for a picnic dinner...it was such a beautiful spot! We met a lovely family down there who had been traveling around Australia for the past 3 months...they had some great stories to share with us while all our kids played happily together.  It was such a lovely way to end the day :)

Alyssa says
"My favourite thing about today was when Dad got stuck going the slide at the playground! I just laughed and laughed!"

Lachlan says
"My favourite thing was when mum and dad went on the flying fox in the playground...dad bounced on the ground and then Zappa jumped on him! It was so funny!!"

Zappa says
"Woof woof...slobber slobber...snort"

Bolgie Adventurers out

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